Project Summary: Aviation Investigation - 73 Docket Items - DCA97MA055

Description: FEDEX Newark, MD-11

Mode: Aviation

NTSB Number: DCA97MA055

Date of Accident: 07/31/1997

City: Newark

State/Region: NJ

Country: United States

Project Type: Investigation

Docket Information

Creation Date: 04/02/1998

Last Modified: 07/25/2019 12:19 PM

Public Release Date & Time: 12/03/1998 9:22 AM

Docket Table of Contents

Docket Items: 73
1 Operations 2 - Group Chairman Factual Report 15 0 Adobe PDF file View
2 Operations 2 - Attachment 1 - FP/R's Recovered from Aircraft 18 0 Adobe PDF file View
3 Operations 2 - Attachment 2 - Newark International Airport Diagram & Approach Plate 22R 4 0 Adobe PDF file View
4 Operations 2 - Attachment 3 - Tail Strike Awareness Training Information Bulletin 5 0 Adobe PDF file View
5 Operations 2 - Attachment 4 - Tail Strike Awarness Training Instructors Guide 17 0 Adobe PDF file View
6 Operations 2 - Attachment 5A - Notes EWR 24 0 Adobe PDF file View
7 Operations 2 - Attachment 5B - Notes MEM August, 1997 21 0 Adobe PDF file View
8 Operations 2 - Attachment 5C - Notes MEM November, 1997 9 0 Adobe PDF file View
9 Operations 2 - Attachment 6 - AWAS Data EWR 4 0 Adobe PDF file View
10 Structures 7 - Group Chairman Factual Report 17 0 Adobe PDF file View
11 Structures 7 - Photo 1. Aerial view of accident site and airplane wreckage 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
12 Structures 7 - Photo 2. View of the right side of the burned fuselage 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
13 Structures 7 - Photo 3. View looking aft at the nose of the airplane Note: the nose landing gear and left main gear are extended and the fuselage is resting on it's left wing 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
14 Structures 7 - Photo 4. View of the empennage and damaged outboard end of the left horizontal stabilizer 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
15 Structures 7 - Photo 5. View of the runway gouge that contained paint chips that matched the color of paint and damage to the right engine nacelle tail cone. 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
16 Structures 7 - Photo 6. View of the No. 3 (right) engine Note: engine tail cone is crushed and the engine inlet case is destroyed 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
17 Structures 7 - Photo 7. View of the right inboard trailing edge wing flap 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
18 Structures 7 - Photo 8. View of damaged #55C runway sign mounting base 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
19 Structures 7 - Photo 9. View looking outboard of right wing at the separated wing root 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
20 Structures 7 - Photo 10. Close-up view of right wing Note: fractured stringers bent upwards 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
21 Structures 7 - Photo 11. View of fixed brace, forward and aft mounts for the right landing gear 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
22 Structures 7 - Photo 12. Close-up view of the fixed brace fracture face 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
23 Structures 7 - Photo 13. View of outboard right wing tip and outboard section of right horizontal stabilizer in foreground. Note: lower winglet is separated from the outboard wing 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
24 Structures 7 - Photo 14. View of burned outboard section of right horizontal stabilizer 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
25 Structures 7 - Photo 15. View of No. 1 (left) engine and engine plyon 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
26 Structures 7 - Photo 16. View of No. 2 (center) engine 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
27 Structures 7 - Photo 17. View of separated engine inlet 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
28 Structures 7 - Photo 18. View of the intact left landing gear pillow block and trapezoidal panel 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
29 Structures 7 - Photo 19. View of fractured right landing gear trapezoidal panel 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
30 Structures 7 - Photo 20. Right landing gear 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
31 Structures 7 - Photo 21. Fractured right landing gear bogie beam 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
32 Structures 7 - Photo 22. Center main landing gear wheels 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
33 Structures 7 - Photo 23. View of engine fan blade embedded in the left side of the fuselage above the left wing 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
34 Structures 7 - Addendum 1 - Factual Report 5 0 Adobe PDF file View
35 Structures 7 - Addendum 1 - Factual Report - Appendix A - Photographs 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
36 Structures 7 - Photo. 1 - View of right wing looking inboard toward the wing root. 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
37 Structures 7 - Photo. 2 - View of the lower right wing surface looking inboard. 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
38 Structures 7 - Photo. 3. View looking at inboard right wing near WS 264. 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
39 Structures 7 - Photo. 4 - View of right wing leading edge number 8 slat Note: interior structure is embedded with vegetation. 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
40 Structures 7 - Photo. 5 - View of the fractured lower right winglet attach fittings 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
41 Structures 7 - Photo. 6 - View of inboard forward number 3 engine pylon attach fitting (tombstone fitting) 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
42 Structures 7 - Photo. 7 - View of the inboard attach fitting upper fasterners for the outboard flap hinge. Note the opposite direction of fractures. 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
43 Structures 7 - Photo. 8 - View of the fractures flap hinge inboard side brace fitting. 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
44 Structures 7 - Photo. 9 - View of the outboard attach fitting upper fasteners for the outboard flap hinge. Note the tension fracture of the inboard bolt (on the left). 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
45 Structures 7 - Photo. 10 - View of the outboard attach fitting lower fasteners for the outboard flap hinge. Note: fasterners are sheared flush with spar. 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
46 Structures 7 - Photo. 11 - View of fractured inboard right wing root at side of body. 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
47 Structures 7 - Photo. 12 - View of upper rear spar cap fracture face at inboard right wing root side of body. 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
48 Flight Data Recorder 10 - Group Chairman Factual Report 66 0 Adobe PDF file View
49 Cockpit Voice Recorder 12 - Factual Report of Group Chairman 41 0 Adobe PDF file View
50 Airports/ARFF 16 - Group Chairman Factual Report 20 0 Adobe PDF file View
51 Hazardous Materials Group Factual Report 13 0 Adobe PDF file View
52 Hazardous Materials Group Factual Report - Attachment 1 - Record of Conversation with Newark Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Personnel, 8/1/97 5 0 Adobe PDF file View
53 Hazardous Materials Group Factual Report - Attachment 2 - Record of Conversation with Newark Fire Department Personnel, 8/8/97 3 0 Adobe PDF file View
54 Hazardous Materials Group Factual Report - Attachment 3 - Record of Conversation with FedEx Personnel, 8/2/97 4 0 Adobe PDF file View
55 Hazardous Materials Group Factual Report - Attachment 4 - Preliminary List of Declared Hazardous Materials prepared by FedEx Newark Duty Officer on 7/31/97 around 3 am. 2 0 Adobe PDF file View
56 Hazardous Materials Group Factual Report - Attachment 5 - Faxes sent to the Newark FedEx On-Duty Manager by the Anchorage Station Manager 3 0 Adobe PDF file View
57 Hazardous Materials Group Factual Report - Attachment 6A - FedEx Notification of Dangerous Goods Loading Part A (Narita, Japan). 2 0 Adobe PDF file View
58 Hazardous Materials Group Factual Report - Attachment 6B - FedEx Notification of Loading of Dangerous Goods Part Bs 7 0 Adobe PDF file View
59 Hazardous Materials Group Factual Report - Attachment 6C - Flight 14 Load and Weight Plan 5 0 Adobe PDF file View
60 Hazardous Materials Group Factual Report - Attachment 7 - Warner - Lambert Materials Safety Data Sheet - MSDS P021D00 10 0 Adobe PDF file View
61 Hazardous Materials Group Factual Report - Attachment 8 - Orient Chemical Industires Co. Ltd. Materials Safety Data Sheet - MSDS BJBK817 6 0 Adobe PDF file View
62 Hazardous Materials Group Factual Report - Attachment 9 - Zenaca Materials Safety Data Sheet - MJR-580 4 0 Adobe PDF file View
63 Hazardous Materials Group Factual Report - Attachment 10 - Fluka Materials Safety Data Sheet - MSDS 90440 5 0 Adobe PDF file View
64 Hazardous Materials Group Factual Report - Attachment 11 - Nissin Chemical Ind. Co., Ltd. Materials Safety Data Sheet MSDS "OLFINS" 4 0 Adobe PDF file View
65 Hazardous Materials Group Factual Report - Attachment 12 - Dangerous Goods Air Carrier Survey, October 16, 1997 45 0 Adobe PDF file View
66 Hazardous Materials Group Factual Report - Attachment 13 - Photographs 12-1 thru 12-6. 4 0 Adobe PDF file View
67 Hazardous Materials Group Factual Report - Attachment 14 - September 16, 1997 Letter from Gregory Carr, the Tyree Organization, Ltd., to Aaron Werbin, FedEx 211 0 Adobe PDF file View
68 Hazardous Materials Group Factual Report - Attachment 15 - Letter from FAA CAFO (NY) to P. Oppenheimer, FedEx. Special Agent's Statement 3 0 Adobe PDF file View
69 Aircraft Performance Study 33 0 Adobe PDF file View
70 Statement of Party Representatives to NTSB Investigation 2 0 Adobe PDF file View
71 Federal Express Submission for MD-11, N611FE accident on July 31, 1997 15 0 Adobe PDF file View
72 Fedex Pilots Association Submission for Flight 14, MD-11 N611FE accident on July 31, 1997 285 0 Adobe PDF file View
73 Boeing submission for FedEx Flight 14, MD-11F, N611FE accident on July 31, 1997. 153 0 Adobe PDF file View