Photograph of front of SUV showing damage to hood.

​Photograph of front of SUV showing damage to hood.​

Fatal Pedestrian Collision with Sport Utility Vehicle

What Happened

​​About 12:30 p.m. on Friday, June 24, 2016, a 2010 Cadillac Escalade sport utility vehicle (SUV) operated by a 69-year-old male was stopped for a red traffic signal in the northeastbound travel lane of Chesterton Drive at Watkins Park Drive (State Route 193) in Upper Marlboro, Prince George’s County, Maryland. Meanwhile, a 76-year-old male pedestrian was standing on the opposite side of Chesterton Drive, near a pedestrian crosswalk, waiting to cross Watkins Park Drive. When the traffic signal on Chesterton Drive cycled to green and the pedestrian signal cycled to WALK, the driver entered the intersection and the pedestrian entered the crosswalk (figure 1). As the driver made a left turn into the left northwestbound lane of Watkins Park Drive and the pedestrian reached the same lane, the SUV struck the pedestrian while he was in the crosswalk, causing him to fall to the roadway. On colliding with the pedestrian, the driver sharply applied the brakes, stopping the SUV in the left northwestbound lane.

A Prince George’s County police officer was exiting the parking lot to the right of the intersection and observed the collision. The collision was also captured by a forward-facing video camera on the police car. The officer rendered aid to the pedestrian and radioed for medical assistance. The pedestrian was transported by ambulance to the Prince George’s Hospital Center, where he died of his injuries. 

What We Found

The probable cause of the crash in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, was the driver’s failure, while making a left turn, to yield to the pedestrian in the crosswalk.​


