Misty Blue in June 2017 in Fairhaven, Massachusetts.

​​Misty Blue in June 2017 in Fairhaven, Massachusetts. (Photo by Enoch MacDonough)

Capsizing and Sinking of Fishing Vessel Misty Blue

What Happened

On December 4, 2017, at 1806 local time, the uninspected fishing vessel Misty Blue was harvesting clams 9 miles southeast of Nantucket, Massachusetts, when the port clam tank began flooding and the vessel subsequently capsized and sank. Two crewmembers were trapped on board and perished when the vessel sank; the other two crewmembers managed to escape and were rescued by a nearby fishing vessel. Oil sheens were observed.

What We Found

We determined that the probable cause of the capsizing and sinking of fishing vessel Misty Blue was flooding of the port clam tank from an undetermined point of ingress, which led to a decreased freeboard and a list allowing boarding seas to be trapped on deck, thereby decreasing the vessel’s stability. Contributing to the sinking was the relatively small freeing port area of the vessel, which likely increased water accumulation on deck.​


