Project Summary: Aviation Investigation - 28 Docket Items - CEN15FA400

Description: N1099Q; Cessna 310H

Mode: Aviation

NTSB Number: CEN15FA400

Date of Accident: 09/05/2015

City: Silverton

State/Region: CO

Country: United States

Project Type: Investigation

Docket Information

Creation Date: 02/27/2017

Last Modified: 04/18/2017 8:33 AM

Public Release Date & Time: 02/27/2017 2:45 PM

Docket Table of Contents

Docket Items: 28
1 Record of Conversation - Dow 2 0 Adobe PDF file View
2 Record of Conversation - Minor 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
3 Record of Conversation - Goss 2 0 Adobe PDF file View
4 Written Statement Wiseman 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
5 Record of Conversation - Wiseman 3 0 Adobe PDF file View
6 Record of Conversation - Piper 2 0 Adobe PDF file View
7 Record of Conversation - Zrelak 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
8 Fuel Receipt for N1099Q from Big Bear Airport 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
9 Transcript of ATC Rerecording 3 0 Adobe PDF file View
10 Aircraft Maintenance Record Received 117 0 Adobe PDF file View
11 Record of Wreckage Examination 2 0 Adobe PDF file View
12 Weather Factual 47 0 Adobe PDF file View
13 Weather Attachment 1 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
14 Weather Attachment 2 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
15 Weather Attachment 3 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
16 NTSB Medical Factual Report 6 0 Adobe PDF file View
17 FAA Toxicology - Raggio 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
18 FAA Toxicology - Riley 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
19 FLG ATC Communications with N1099Q Inbound 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
20 FLG Air Traffic Mandatory Occurrence Report 5 0 Adobe PDF file View
21 FLG ATC Communications with N1099Q Taxi and Outbound 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
22 Pilot Logbook 84 0 Adobe PDF file View
23 Pilot Logbook - Pilot Rated Passenger 70 0 Adobe PDF file View
24 Radar Overview 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
25 Radar Data 0 0 Comma-delimited data file View
26 Wreckage Diagram by First Responder 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
27 Photo Array 2 2 Adobe PDF file View
28 FAA Public Airman Certificate Search Result 2 0 Adobe PDF file View