Project Summary: Aviation Investigation - 12 Docket Items - ERA14FA182

Description: N57DC, E-AB Vans RV-7

Mode: Aviation

NTSB Number: ERA14FA182

Date of Accident: 04/06/2014

City: Summerfield

State/Region: FL

Country: United States

Project Type: Investigation

Docket Information

Creation Date: 03/24/2016

Last Modified: 04/13/2016 7:48 AM

Public Release Date & Time: 03/24/2016 3:35 PM

Docket Table of Contents

Docket Items: 12
1 Witness Interview Summaries 3 0 Adobe PDF file View
2 Witness Statements (Courtesy of Marion County Sheriff) 19 0 Adobe PDF file View
3 Airframe Log (Excerpt) 3 0 Adobe PDF file View
4 Accident Site Diagram 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
5 Accident Site Photographs 4 4 Adobe PDF file View
6 Materials Laboratory Factual Report 7 0 Adobe PDF file View
7 Toxicological Report 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
8 Personal Electronic Devices - Specialist's Factual Report 3 2 Adobe PDF file View
9 Video and Image Study 7 11 Adobe PDF file View
10 Statement of Party Representatives to NTSB Investigation 14 0 Adobe PDF file View
11 On Board Video - Specialist's Factual Report 10 3 Adobe PDF file View
12 Release of Aircraft Wreckage, NTSB Form 6120.15 5 0 Adobe PDF file View