Project Summary: Aviation Investigation - 10 Docket Items - ERA09LA229

Description: N88WG, Gaynor RV-6A

Mode: Aviation

NTSB Number: ERA09LA229

Date of Accident: 04/04/2009

City: Englewood

State/Region: FL

Country: United States

Project Type: Investigation

Docket Information

Creation Date: 05/10/2010

Last Modified: 10/28/2011 2:00 PM

Public Release Date & Time: 10/28/2011 1:59 PM

Docket Table of Contents

Docket Items: 10
1 FAA Inspectors Statement 2 0 Adobe PDF file View
2 Passenger Statement 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
3 Toxicological Report 2 0 Adobe PDF file View
4 Release of Aircraft Wreckage, NTSB Form 6120.15 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
5 FAA Digital Photo, Aft cabin and wing 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
6 FAA Digital Photo, Instrument Panel 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
7 FAA Digital Photo, Main Wreckage 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
8 FAA Digital Photo, Propeller Damage 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
9 Medical Records Information 4 0 Adobe PDF file View
10 Reports from Local Agencies; Sarasota County Police Report. 25 0 Adobe PDF file View