Project Summary: Aviation Investigation - 44 Docket Items - DCA06MA010

Description: Grumman Turbo Mallard Seaplane crashed on takeoff in Miami with 20 fatalities.

Mode: Aviation

NTSB Number: DCA06MA010

Date of Accident: 12/19/2005

City: Miami

State/Region: FL

Country: United States

Project Type: Investigation

Docket Information

Creation Date: 04/17/2006

Last Modified: 10/08/2014 10:53 AM

Public Release Date & Time: 06/22/2006 9:00 AM

Docket Table of Contents

Docket Items: 44
1 Operations 2 - Factual Report of Group Chairman 12 0 Adobe PDF file View
2 Operations 2 - Attachment 1 - Interview Summaries 13 0 Adobe PDF file View
3 Operations 2 - Addendum 1 6 0 Adobe PDF file View
4 Operations 2 - Addendum 2 3 0 Adobe PDF file View
5 Operations 2 - Addendum 3 Flight Logs 3 0 Adobe PDF file View
6 Survival Factors 6 - Factual Report of Group Chairman 12 0 Adobe PDF file View
7 Survival Factors 6 - Attachment 1 3 0 Adobe PDF file View
8 Survival Factors 6 - Attachment 2, Photos 8 13 Adobe PDF file View
9 Survival Factors 6 - Attachment 3, Injury Chart 9 0 Adobe PDF file View
10 Survival Factors 6 - Attachment 4, CG Log 4 0 Adobe PDF file View
11 Structures 7 - Attachment A, Photographs 24 0 Adobe PDF file View
12 Structures 7 - Attachment B, Aircraft Information 5 0 Adobe PDF file View
13 Structures 7 - Attachment C, FAA Forms 337 and 8110 Repair Analysis and Drawings for N14PA and N2969 11 0 Adobe PDF file View
14 Powerplants 8 - Factual Report of Group Chairman 11 4 Adobe PDF file View
15 Systems 9 - Factual Report of Group Chairman 30 8 Adobe PDF file View
16 Maintenance Records 11 - Factual Addendum REVISION A 18 0 Adobe PDF file View
17 Maintenance Records 11 - Attachment 1 - Operator Certificates 5 0 Adobe PDF file View
18 Maintenance Records 11 - Attachment 2 - STC 29 0 Adobe PDF file View
19 Maintenance Records 11 - Attachment 3 - Airplane Flight Logs 10 0 Adobe PDF file View
20 Maintenance Records 11 - Attachment 4 - Weight and Balance 9 0 Adobe PDF file View
21 Maintenance Records 11 - Attachment 5 - Major Repair and Alterations 26 0 Adobe PDF file View
22 Maintenance Records 11 - Attachment 6 - Method of Record Keeping 4 0 Adobe PDF file View
23 Maintenance Records 11 - Attachment 7 - Procedural Issues 4 0 Adobe PDF file View
24 Maintenance Records 11 - Attachment 8 - AC 43.13-1B 4 0 Adobe PDF file View
25 Maintenance Records 11 - Attachment 9 - Aging Airplane Safety Inspection 11 0 Adobe PDF file View
26 Maintenance Records 11 - Principal Maintenance Inspector Interview 4 0 Adobe PDF file View
27 Maintenance Records 11 - Maintenance Supervisor Interview 4 0 Adobe PDF file View
28 Cockpit Voice Recorder 12 - Specialist's Factual Report 2 0 Adobe PDF file View
29 Cockpit Voice Recorder 12 - Addendum 1 3 0 Adobe PDF file View
30 Human Performance 14 - Factual Report of Group Chairman 27 0 Adobe PDF file View
31 Human Performance 14 - Attachment 1 5 0 Adobe PDF file View
32 Human Performance 14 - Attachment 2 1 0 Adobe PDF file View
33 Materials Laboratory 15 - Factual Report 06-010 53 56 Adobe PDF file View
34 Materials Laboratory 15 - Factual Addendum 06-010B 11 12 Adobe PDF file View
35 Materials Laboratory 15 - Factual Report 06-042, Z-Stringer from N632SS 5 6 Adobe PDF file View
36 Video/Image Factual Report 20 17 Adobe PDF file View
37 Reports from Parties to the Investigation - Chalk's Ocean Airways 31 0 Adobe PDF file View
38 Reports from Parties to the Investigation - Frakes Aviation and Grumman Mallard Owners Association combined submission 28 0 Adobe PDF file View
39 Miscellaneous - CASS and Non-routine Documents 6 0 Adobe PDF file View
40 Grumman Mallard Customer Bulletins 2 0 Adobe PDF file View
41 Miscellaneous - Documents Discussed at Board Meeting 28 0 Adobe PDF file View
42 Correspondence - MC#2070234 3 0 Adobe PDF file View
43 Correspondence - MC#2070266 3 0 Adobe PDF file View
44 Research Report - FAA Oversight of Financially Distressed Carriers 21 0 Adobe PDF file View