Docket Contents

Project Summary: Hazmat Investigation - 400 Docket Items - DCA10MP008

Description: Rupture of Pacific, Gas, and Electric Company Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline and Fire

Mode: Hazmat

NTSB Number: DCA10MP008

Date of Accident: 09/09/2010

City: San Bruno

State / Region: CA

Country: United States

Project Type: Investigation

Docket Information

Creation Date: 09/14/10

Last Modified: 02/24/2015 10:39 AM

Public Release Date & Time: 03/01/2011 9:47 AM

Docket Items: 400






1 Order of Hearing: 1A 1 0 Adobe PDF file
2 Notice of Designation of Chairman of Board of Inquiry: 1B 1 0 Adobe PDF file
3 Designation of Hearing Officer: 1C 1 0 Adobe PDF file
4 Designation of Parties to the Hearing: 1D 1 0 Adobe PDF file
5 Notice of Hearing: 1E 1 0 Adobe PDF file
6 Hearing Exhibit List: 1F 6 0 Adobe PDF file
7 Witness List: 1G 6 0 Adobe PDF file
8 Operations Group Chairman's Factual Report - Exhibit 2A 28 2 Adobe PDF file
9 Exhibit 2B: PG&E Event Timeline 5 0 Adobe PDF file
10 Exhibit 2C: 49 CFR 192.619 (A)(3) and PG&E Documentation NTSB_011-011 5 0 Adobe PDF file
11 Exhibit 2D: Schematic Showing Relative Locations of Nearby Services and L132 in the Trench 2 0 Adobe PDF file
12 Exhibit 2D - Updated: Schematic Showing Relatvie Locations of Nearby Services and L132 in the Trench 1 0 Adobe PDF file
13 Exhibit 2E: Former PG&E Employee Photograph Near Rupture Area 2 0 Adobe PDF file
14 Exhibit 2F: PG&E Retiree Interview 45 0 Adobe PDF file
15 Exhibit 2G: Milipitas Terminal One-line Diagram (NTSB 004-001) 2 0 Adobe PDF file
16 Exhibit 2H: SCADA Screenshot of Peninsula System & Milpitas to Martin & Milpitas Terminal 4 0 Adobe PDF file
17 Exhibit 2I: SCADA Alarms(NTSB 0014-008) 97 0 Adobe PDF file
18 Exhibit 2J: SCADA Alarm Policy NTSB 014-006 6 0 Adobe PDF file
19 Exhibit 2K: SCADA Pressure Readings on 9-9-10 (16:12 Through 18:42) 7 0 Adobe PDF file
20 Exhibit 2L: Photo of Monitor Valve Pneumatic Controller 2 0 Adobe PDF file
21 Exhibit 2M: SCADA Pressure Transducer Locations (NTSB 036-004) 4 0 Adobe PDF file
22 Exhibit 2N: PG&E SCADA Trends from 9-9-10 6 0 Adobe PDF file
23 Exhibit 2O: Excerpts from the PG&E ECDA Plan RMP-09 101 0 Adobe PDF file
24 Exhibit 2P: PG&E Line 132Survey Sheets 13 0 Adobe PDF file
25 Exhibit 2Q: Senior Consulting Engineer RMP-06 Memo to File and Supporting Documents 86 0 Adobe PDF file
26 Exhibit 2R: 49CFR 192.903 3 0 Adobe PDF file
27 Exhibit 2S: PG&E PIR AND HCA Drawings 5 0 Adobe PDF file
28 Exhibit 2T: Standard Cathodic Maintenance Report (NTSB 001-011) 5 0 Adobe PDF file
29 Exhibit 2T1: CPUC Waiver to PG&E for Bimonthly Rectifier Testing DOT 192.465 4 0 Adobe PDF file
30 Exhibit 2U: Supervising Engineer for the ILI and DA Programs 73 0 Adobe PDF file
31 Exhibit 2V: January Interview of SCADA Controls Group Supervising Engineer 74 0 Adobe PDF file
32 Exhibit 2W: Line 132 Cross Ties Schematic (NTSB 035-012) 4 0 Adobe PDF file
33 Exhibit 2X: Healy Station and Cross Ties Valve (NTSB(008-003) 6 0 Adobe PDF file
34 Exhibit 2Y: San Francisco Control Room Logs 09-09-10 441 0 Adobe PDF file
35 Addendum to Exhibit 2Y - Audio Enhanced Transcript of SF Control Room Logs on 09-09-10 441 0 Adobe PDF file
36 Materials Lab - Study Report 11-089 (with 8 embedded images) 14 0 Adobe PDF file
37 Materials Lab - Study Report 11-075 (with 15 embedded images) 13 0 Adobe PDF file
38 Exhibit 2Z: (NTSB 046-001) L132 Risk Factors 23 0 Adobe PDF file
39 Exhibit 2AA: Where Did 1961 5/16-Inch Pipe on Glenview Extension Come From? (NTSB 038-004) 2 0 Adobe PDF file
40 Materials Lab - Factual Report 11-056 (with 42 embedded images) 53 0 Adobe PDF file
41 Materials Lab - Study Report 11-057 (with 1 embedded image) 8 0 Adobe PDF file
42 Exhibit 2AB: How Was Welded Pipe Entered as Seamless into the Records (NTSB 035-018) 2 0 Adobe PDF file
43 Exhibit 2AC: Is It Possible that the 5/16-Inch Pipe Purchased in 1948 and Sent to Oakland Was Used in 1956 Relocation Job (NTSB 038-003) 2 0 Adobe PDF file
44 Exhibit 2-AD: Highest Recorded Pressures on Line 132 (NTSB 004-005 & 036-003) 27 0 Adobe PDF file
45 Exhibit 2AE: Provide a List of Transmission Lines with Corresponding MAOPs in San Bruno 2 0 Adobe PDF file
46 Exhibit 2AF: NTSB_035-016 Who Manufactured the Pipe at the Accident Site and the Manufacturing Process 16 0 Adobe PDF file
47 Revised Exhibit 2-AG Overpressure Requirement RMI-06 Rev 00 and Rev 01 28 0 Adobe PDF file
48 Exhibit 2AG: 5-Year Overpressure Requirement RMI-06 Rev 01 15 0 Adobe PDF file
49 Exhibit 2AH: NTSB_027-002 All PG&E Over Pressures of Any Lines and Documentation 81 0 Adobe PDF file
50 Exhibit 2AI: NTSB_036-005 All Lines that PG&E Overpressures in Order to Maintain MAOP 22 0 Adobe PDF file
51 Exhibit 2AJ: Milpitas Operations & Maintenance (NTSB 033-006) 146 0 Adobe PDF file
52 Exhibit 2AK: Milpitas UPS Upgrade Project Documentation (NTSB 036-008) 75 0 Adobe PDF file
53 Exhibit 2AL: NTSB_036-008 Milpitas UPS Upgrade Project As-Builts 19 0 Adobe PDF file
54 Exhibit 2AM: Milpitas Work Clearances, August Thru September 2010 (NTSB_011-008 ) 10 0 Adobe PDF file
55 Exhibit 2AN: Cross Tie Procedures (Seasonal Settings) (NTSB 033-009) 25 0 Adobe PDF file
56 Exhibit 2AO: All Cross Tie Valves on L101,109 & 132 (NTSB 033-008) 5 0 Adobe PDF file
57 Exhibit 2AP: NTSB_008-004 & 004S1 GM 151181 and 1961 L132 Relocation Project Documentation 9 0 Adobe PDF file
58 Exhibit 2AQ: 1956 Drawings of Relocation of Line 132 GM136471 5 0 Adobe PDF file
59 Exhibit 2AR: NTSB_035-018 PG&E Description How Welded Pipe Was entered as Seamless Pipe in GIS System 2 0 Adobe PDF file
60 Exhibit 2AS: NTSB_023-001 PG&E GIS Audit Change Log 2 0 Adobe PDF file
61 Exhibit 2AT: Listing of Seamless Pipe Greater then 24-inch Diameter (NTSB 033-001) 8 0 Adobe PDF file
62 Exhibit 2AU: Excerpts from PG&E Integrity Management Plan 165 0 Adobe PDF file
63 Exhibit 2AV: Excerpts from PG&E Risk Management Plan 53 0 Adobe PDF file
64 Exhibit 2AW: Line 132 Baseline Integrity Management Assessment 24 0 Adobe PDF file
65 Exhbit 2AX: Excerpts of PG&E ECDA Records 35 0 Adobe PDF file
66 Exhibit 2AY: CPUC 2005 and 2010 IMI Audit Items (NTSB 008-001) 26 0 Adobe PDF file
67 Exhibit 2AZ: NTSB_011-010 PG&E 1956 Journal Voucher, Material Codes and Pipeline Survey Sheet 15 0 Adobe PDF file
68 Exhibit 2BA: Excerpts of Job Files for Line 132 Work 8 0 Adobe PDF file
69 Exhibit 2BB: Excerpts from NTSB_018-002 1948 Construction of Line 132 5 0 Adobe PDF file
70 Exhibit 2BC: Glenview Subdivision Maps Identifying Fire Damaged Properties 3 0 Adobe PDF file
71 Exhibit 2BD: Interview of Aguiar, PG&E 1-3-11 52 0 Adobe PDF file
72 Exhibit 2BE: Interview of Armato,PG&E 1-6-11 14 0 Adobe PDF file
73 Exhibit 2BF: Interview of Bosch, City of San Bruno 1-3-11 35 0 Adobe PDF file
74 Exhibit 2BG: Interview of Breiz, PG&E 1-3-11 17 0 Adobe PDF file
75 Exhibit 2BH: Interview of Brown, PG&E 1-5-11 32 0 Adobe PDF file
76 Exhibit 2BI: Interview of Burke-Perralta, PG&E 1-6-11 70 0 Adobe PDF file
77 Exhibit 2BJ: Interview of Ceniceros, PG&E 1-5-11 42 0 Adobe PDF file
78 Exhibit 2BK: Interview of Daubin, PG&E 1-07-11 36 0 Adobe PDF file
79 Exhibit 2BL: Interview of Fong, PG&E 1-06-11 23 0 Adobe PDF file
80 Exhibit 2BM: Interview of Garriesere 1-5-11 14 0 Adobe PDF file
81 Exhibit 2BN: Interview of Genera, PG&E 1-5-11 28 0 Adobe PDF file
82 Exhibit 2BO: Interview of Groppetti, PG&E Contractor 1-5-11 40 0 Adobe PDF file
83 Exhibit 2BP: Interview of Hannigan, City of San Bruno 1-03-11 43 0 Adobe PDF file
84 Exhibit 2BQ: Interview of John Harty of D'Arcy & Harty Construction 1-3-11 75 0 Adobe PDF file
85 Exhibit 2BR: Interview of Haynes, PG&E 1-07-11 22 0 Adobe PDF file
86 Exhibit 2BS: Interview of Hong, PG&E 1-5-11 27 0 Adobe PDF file
87 Exhibit 2BT: Interview of Karkazis, PG&E 1-3-11 54 0 Adobe PDF file
88 Exhibit 2BU: Interview of Manegold, PG&E 1-7-11 52 0 Adobe PDF file
89 Exhibit 2BV: Interview of Mitchell, PG&E 1-07-11 33 0 Adobe PDF file
90 Exhibit 2BW: Interview of Jose Ornelas of D'Arcy & Harty Construction 1-6-11 101 0 Adobe PDF file
91 Exhibit 2BX: Interview of Pena, PG&E 1-5-11 17 0 Adobe PDF file
92 Exhibit 2BY: Interview of Poulo, PG&E 1-5-11 69 0 Adobe PDF file
93 Exhibit 2BZ: Interview of Reinhardt, City of San Bruno CA, 1-3-11 36 0 Adobe PDF file
94 Exhibit 2CA: Interview of Robertson, PG&E 1-6-11 16 0 Adobe PDF file
95 Exhibit 2CB: Interview of Roccholz, PG&E 1-6-11 55 0 Adobe PDF file
96 Exhibit 2CC: Shori, CAPUC 1-5-11 38 0 Adobe PDF file
97 Exhibit 2CD: Sickinger, PG&E 1-5-11 39 0 Adobe PDF file
98 Exhibit 2CE: Interview of Stepanian, CAPUC 1-6-11 19 0 Adobe PDF file
99 Exhibit 2CF: Interview of Valenti, PG&E 1-4-11 87 0 Adobe PDF file
100 Exhibit 2CG: Interview of Wagner, PG&E 1-4-11 26 0 Adobe PDF file
101 Exhibit 2CH: Interview of Wenzel, PG&E 1-5-11 31 0 Adobe PDF file
102 Exhibit 2CI: Interview of West, PG&E 1-4-11 68 0 Adobe PDF file
103 Exhibit 2CJ: Interview of Wong, City of San Bruno CA, 1-3-11 54 0 Adobe PDF file
104 Exhibit 2CK: PHMSA Advisory Bulletin ADB 11-01 14 0 Adobe PDF file
105 Exhibit 2CL: Excerpts From PG&E Camera Inspection of Line 132, Segment 180 48 0 Adobe PDF file
106 Exhibit 2CM: PGE Pipeline 2020 Program 4 0 Adobe PDF file
107 Exhibit 2CN: PHMSA Pipeline Mileage Data 4 0 Adobe PDF file
108 Exhibit 2CO: PG&E Operator Report - Incident and Mileage Data 6 0 Adobe PDF file
109 Exhibit 2CP: PHMSA Serious Pipeline Incident Stats 2000-2009 all 3 0 Adobe PDF file
110 Exhibit 2CQ: Transmission Onshore Significant Incidents 1990 - 2009 chart 2 0 Adobe PDF file
111 Exhibit 2CR: Transmission Serious Incidents by Cause 2000-2009 Pie Chart 2 0 Adobe PDF file
112 Exhibit 2CS: California Gas Transmission Incident Data (PHMSA) 2 0 Adobe PDF file
113 Exhibit 2CT: Age of Transmission and Hazardous Liquid Pipelines (pipelinesafetytrust) 3 0 Adobe PDF file
114 Exhibit 2CU: Age of Transmission Pipelines PGE vs Southern CA Gas 2 0 Adobe PDF file
115 Exhibit 2CV: Pipeline Rupture Site Looking North, 10 Sept 2010 IMG_0097 NTSB (Downs) 1 0 Adobe PDF file
116 Exhibit 2CW: Ruptured Pipeline Segment North End, 11 Sept 2010 IMG_0128 NTSB (Downs) 1 0 Adobe PDF file
117 Exhibit 2CX: Segment of Ruptured Pipeline Resting in Glenview Avenue, 10 Sept 2010 IMG_0098 NTSB (Downs) 1 0 Adobe PDF file
118 Exhibit 2CY Fire Damage Looking East Toward Crestmoor Canyon, 10 Sept 2010 IMG_0101 NTSB (Downs) 1 0 Adobe PDF file
119 Exhibit 2CZ: Property Damage Near Rupture Location, 11 Sept 2010 IMG_0133 NTSB (Downs) 1 0 Adobe PDF file
120 Exhibit 2DA: Photograph of Glenview Avenue Looking North, 10 Sept 2010 ((197) San Bruno Fire Dept.) 1 0 Adobe PDF file
121 Exhibit 2DB: Photograph of Glenview Avenue Looking South, 10 Sept 2010 ((198) San Bruno Fire Dept.) 1 0 Adobe PDF file
122 Exhibit 2DC: Photograph of Pipeline Fire Sept 9, 2010 (DSC06572 San Bruno Police) 1 0 Adobe PDF file
123 Exhibit 2DD: San Bruno, CA Google Earth Image Sept 11, 2010 1 0 Adobe PDF file
124 Exhibit 2DE: San Bruno Aerial Photo on September 1, 1956 3 0 Adobe PDF file
125 Exhibit 2DF: Interview of John Corona, PGE September 16, 2010 21 0 Adobe PDF file
126 Exhibit 2DG: CPUC General Order 112E 23 0 Adobe PDF file
127 Exhibit 2DH: PG&E Response to CPUC 2010 IM Inspection 26 0 Adobe PDF file
128 Exhibit 2DI: PG&E Response to CPUC 10-21-10 Letter 8 0 Adobe PDF file
129 Exhibit 2DJ: CPUC 10-21-10 Letter to PG&E 15 0 Adobe PDF file
130 Exhibit 2DK: PG&E Response of 12-16-10 to CPUC May 2010 IM Audit.pdf 3 0 Adobe PDF file
131 Exhibit 2DL: CPUC 9-24-10 letter to PG&E Regarding GO 112E Audit of Peninsula Division 48 0 Adobe PDF file
132 Exhibit 2DM: CPUC 10-17-08 letter to PG&E Regarding GO 112E Audit 4 0 Adobe PDF file
133 Exhibit 2DN: CPUC Post Accident Responses to San Bruno Pipeline Explosion 18 0 Adobe PDF file
134 Exhibit 2DO: Summary of CPUC 2005 IM Audit of PG&E 3 0 Adobe PDF file
135 Exhibit 2DP: CPUC 2005 PG&E IM Audit Meeting Summary 6 0 Adobe PDF file
136 Exhibit 2DQ: PHMSA Report on "Building Safe Communities: Pipeline Risk and Its Application to Local Development" 31 0 Adobe PDF file
137 Exhibit 2DR: Congressional Hearing Pipeline Safety Public Awareness Testimony 77 0 Adobe PDF file
138 Exhibit 2DS: Journal Entries from 1948 L132 Construction 30 0 Adobe PDF file
139 Exhibit 2DT: CPUC and PG&E Correspondence Regarding the San Bruno Accident since December 16, 2010 72 0 Adobe PDF file
140 Exhibit 2DU: PG&E Comments to PHMSA-RSPA 38 0 Adobe PDF file
141 Exhibit 2DV: 1956 Relocation Source of Pipe Material 19 0 Adobe PDF file
142 Exhibit 2DW: Geologic Hazard Evaluations 10 0 Adobe PDF file
143 Exhibit 2DX: Timeline of Events for September 9, 2010 Prepared by NTSB 15 0 Adobe PDF file
144 Exhibit 2DY: PG&E June 24, 1996 Memo Re: Remote/Automatic Valves 5 0 Adobe PDF file
145 Exhibit 2DZ: White Paper on Equivalent Safety for Alternative Valve Spacing, INGAA, November 15, 2005 27 0 Adobe PDF file
146 Exhibit 2EA: PG&E Milpitas and SCADA Diagrams 6 0 Adobe PDF file
147 Lab Test Report of Line DFM-3Leak Between Santa Cruz & Davenport 5 0 Adobe PDF file
148 Examination of Section of 34-Inch Pipe Removed from Main 300B Near Trona. 5 5 Adobe PDF file
149 Exhibit 2EB: NTSB 014-008 CITECH Data Sept-9-2010 TO Sept-10-2010 REV-1(2 3 0 Adobe PDF file
150 Exhibit 2EC: PG&E Presentation How Line 132 Became Listed in GIS System as Seamless Pipe 8 0 Adobe PDF file
151 Exhibit 2ED: San Bruno Gas Transmission LineRupture Investigation CPUC Data Request 069 61 0 Adobe PDF file
152 Metallurgical Group Chairman Factual Report dated Jan. 21, 2011: 3-A 78 0 Adobe PDF file
153 Metallurgical Group Chairman Factual Report dated Feb. 9, 2011 3-B 33 0 Adobe PDF file
154 Exhibit 4A - Survival Factors Group Chairman Factual Report 23 0 Adobe PDF file
155 Exhibit 4B - Transcript of Fire Department Radio Communications 41 0 Adobe PDF file
156 Exhibit 4C - San Bruno Fire Department Incident Reports 19 0 Adobe PDF file
157 Exhibit 4D - List of Responding Fire Departments 2 0 Adobe PDF file
158 Exhibit 4E - Injury List 2 0 Adobe PDF file
159 Exhibit 4F - Federal Public Awareness Regulation 3 0 Adobe PDF file
160 Exhibit 4G - PG&E’s Summary Table for Public Awareness Messages 2 0 Adobe PDF file
161 Exhibit 4H - PG&E’s Public Awareness Program Plan 24 0 Adobe PDF file
162 Exhibit 4I - Map of Affected Neighborhood 2 0 Adobe PDF file
163 Exhibit 4J - Example of a Bill Stuffer for the Affected Public (Distribution) 2 0 Adobe PDF file
164 Exhibit 4K - Example of a Brochure for the Affected Public (Transmission) 3 0 Adobe PDF file
165 Exhibit 4L - Cover Letters for the 2009 and 2010 Mailings for Emergency Officials 5 0 Adobe PDF file
166 Exhibit 4M - Emergency Officials Mailing List 2 0 Adobe PDF file
167 Exhibit 4N - Public Liaison Workshop Invitation Letter 2 0 Adobe PDF file
168 Exhibit 4O - Organizations Invited to the Public Liaison Workshop 3 0 Adobe PDF file
169 Exhibit 4P - List of Organizations that Attended the Public Liaison Workshop 2 0 Adobe PDF file
170 Exhibit 4Q - Public Liaison Workshop Agenda 3 0 Adobe PDF file
171 Exhibit 4R - Announcement Flyer for a Responding to Gas and Electric Emergencies Seminar 2 0 Adobe PDF file
172 Exhibit 4S - List of Responding to Gas and Electric Emergencies Seminars 2 0 Adobe PDF file
173 Exhibit 4T - List of Attendees for Responding to Gas and Electric Emergencies Seminars 2 0 Adobe PDF file
174 Exhibit 4U - Example of a Brochure for Public Officials 9 0 Adobe PDF file
175 Exhibit 4V - Public Awareness Program Review Conducted in 2009 8 0 Adobe PDF file
176 Exhibit 4W - Excerpts from American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice 1162 7 0 Adobe PDF file
177 Exhibit 4X - Public Awareness Program Review Conducted in 2010 9 0 Adobe PDF file
178 Exhibit 4Y - PG&E Website Screenshot - Gas Transmission Line Information 2 0 Adobe PDF file
179 Fire 5A- Fire Scene Factual Report 11-002 13 8 Adobe PDF file
180 Errata to Fire 5A- Fire Scene Factual Report 11-002 2 0 Adobe PDF file
181 Fire 5B -Belmont-San Carlos Fire Department Origin and Cause Report 5 0 Adobe PDF file
182 Fire 5C-Belmont-San Carlos Fire Department Origin and Cause Narrative 5 0 Adobe PDF file
183 Human Performance 6A - Factual Report of Group Chairman 12 0 Adobe PDF file
184 Meteorology 7A - Factual Report of Group Chairman 10 0 Adobe PDF file
185 Exhibit 8A - Presentation by Mr. Geoff Foreman 10 0 Adobe PDF file
186 Exhibit 8B: Presentation by Mr. Robert Smith, PHMSA 17 0 Adobe PDF file
187 Exhibit 8C: Presentation by Mr. Charles Dippo, AGA 14 0 Adobe PDF file
188 Exhibit 8D: Presentation by Ms. Christina Sames, AGA 13 0 Adobe PDF file
189 Exhibit 8E - Table Excerpted from NACE Report 3 0 Adobe PDF file
190 Aerial photograph of accident site 1 0 Adobe PDF file
191 End-on view of ruptured pipe section 1 0 Adobe PDF file
192 Fractured ends of the pipeline and the crater resulting from the rupture 1 0 Adobe PDF file
193 NTSB investigators with ruptured pipe section 1 0 Adobe PDF file
194 NTSB investigators examining the fractured ends of the pipeline and crater 1 0 Adobe PDF file
195 Accident scene with ruptured pipe section in the foreground 1 0 Adobe PDF file
196 Accident scene with the crater in the foreground and the ruptured pipe section in the background 1 0 Adobe PDF file
197 Preliminary Report 3 0 Adobe PDF file
198 Interview of Transmission Coordinator 41 0 Adobe PDF file
199 Interview of Supervisor - SCADA and Control Group 39 0 Adobe PDF file
200 Interview of Distribution Integrity Management Program Engineer 39 0 Adobe PDF file
201 Interview of Director of Integrity Management 45 0 Adobe PDF file
202 Interview of Technical Crew Leader 49 0 Adobe PDF file
203 Interview of Gas Control Technician 50 0 Adobe PDF file
204 Interview of Gas Measurement and Control Mechanic 62 0 Adobe PDF file
205 Interview of Contractor Employed by Pacific Gas & Electric(John Groppetti) 54 0 Adobe PDF file
206 Interview of Gas System Operator 43 0 Adobe PDF file
207 Interview of Senior Distribution Specalist (Scott Robinson) 19 0 Adobe PDF file
208 Interview of Transmission and Regulation Supervisor 28 0 Adobe PDF file
209 Interview of Senior Transmission Coordinator 35 0 Adobe PDF file
210 Interview of Apprentice Gas Technician 17 0 Adobe PDF file
211 Photograph of the 28-foot-long ruptured section of pipeline 1 0 Adobe PDF file
212 Photograph of an NTSB investigator examining facture surfaces 1 0 Adobe PDF file
213 Photograph showing a view of the ruptured pipe piece with an NTSB investigator examining the facture surfaces 1 0 Adobe PDF file
214 Photograph of an NTSB investigator examining a fracture surface on a scanning electron microscope 1 0 Adobe PDF file
215 San Bruno Police Department photograph of fire taken from a nearby street. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
216 Poster Presentation 5 0 Adobe PDF file
217 Video File 1 0 Adobe PDF file
218 Public Hearing Transcript - March 1, 2011 (Day One) 214 0 Adobe PDF file
219 Public Hearing Transcript - March 2, 2011 (Day Two) 214 0 Adobe PDF file
220 Public Hearing Transcript - March 3, 2011 (Day Three) 129 0 Adobe PDF file
221 Materials Laboratory Factual Report 11-030, FBI presentation on laser scanning of pipe 38 0 Adobe PDF file
222 Materials Lab - Factual Report of Group Chairman - Errata (with 4 embedded images) 7 0 Adobe PDF file
223 Materials Lab - Factual Report of Group Chairman - Addendum 1 Errata 4 0 Adobe PDF file
224 Materials Laboratory Factual Report 11-031, 3D pdf file of pipe 2 0 Adobe PDF file
225 Materials Lab - Factual Report 11-049 (with 13 embedded images) 21 0 Adobe PDF file
226 Materials Laboratory Study Report 11-058, Finite element models for two weld geometries 31 0 Adobe PDF file
227 Materials Lab - Factual Report 11-059 11 0 Adobe PDF file
228 Materials Lab - Factual Report 11-060 39 0 Adobe PDF file
229 Materials Lab - Attachment 1 - PG&E Purchase Order No. 7R 183613 2 0 Adobe PDF file
230 Materials Lab - Attachment 2 - PG&E Purchase Order No. 7R 182222 13 0 Adobe PDF file
231 Materials Lab - Attachment 3 - Moody Engineering Co. "Inspection Order 7R-81743, Purchase Order 7R-66858, Consolidated Western Steel Corp., 30" O.D. x 3/8" Wall Line Pipe." 39 0 Adobe PDF file
232 Materials Lab - Attachment 4 - PG&E Specifcations for Pipe - Purchase Order 7R-61963 6 0 Adobe PDF file
233 Materials Lab - Attachment 5 - PG&E Specifications for Pipe - Purchase Order 7R-66858 6 0 Adobe PDF file
234 Materials Lab - Attachment 6 - San Bruno GT Line Incident_DR_NTSB_065-001 1 0 Adobe PDF file
235 Materials Lab - Attachment 7 - San Bruno GT Line Incident_DR_NTSB_070-001 1 0 Adobe PDF file
236 Materials Lab - Attachment 8 - DurableMecco E-Mail 1 0 Adobe PDF file
237 Materials Lab - Attachment 9 - Mecco Marking/M.E. Cunningham History 2 0 Adobe PDF file
238 ASCE Manual of Practice for Pipe Bursting Projects 87 0 Adobe PDF file
239 "Guidelines for Pipe Bursting" TTC Technical Report #2001.02 by Jadranka Simicevic and Raymond L. Sterling and Commissioned by the US Army Corps of Engineers 55 0 Adobe PDF file
240 Ground Vibration Associated with Pipe Bursting in Rock Conditions, Dr, Alan Atalah P.E. 9 0 Adobe PDF file
241 Survival Factors - PG&E First Responder Training: List of Individuals who Registered and/or Attended 2 0 Adobe PDF file
242 Survival Factors - PG&E Response Pertaining to the Affected Public Program Materials 5 0 Adobe PDF file
243 Survival Factors - PG&E Response Pertaining to Emergency Responder Training 2 0 Adobe PDF file
244 Survival Factors - Measuring Public Awareness Effectiveness 2007 Industry Survey 27 0 Adobe PDF file
245 Survival Factors - PG&E First Responders Meeting Sign-in Sheets from March 25, 2009 2 0 Adobe PDF file
246 Survival Factors - PG&E First Responders Meeting Sign-in Sheet from March 25, 2010 1 0 Adobe PDF file
247 Survival Factors - Incident Response Timeline Compiled by the City of San Bruno 11 0 Adobe PDF file
248 Survival Factors - Transcript of Fire Department Radio Communications Beginning at 1932:26 55 0 Adobe PDF file
249 Survival Factors - Transcript of Fire Department Radio Communications Beginning at 2115:47 38 0 Adobe PDF file
250 Survival Factors - Transcript of Fire Department Radio Communications Beginning at 2232:41 33 0 Adobe PDF file
251 Survival Factors - Transcript of San Bruno Police Department Communications 35 0 Adobe PDF file
252 Survival Factors - Transcript of Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Channel 98 0 Adobe PDF file
253 Human Performance Factual Report Addendum 1 5 0 Adobe PDF file
254 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Gas Integrity Management Plan Reports 11 0 Adobe PDF file
255 Standard Pacific Gas Line Inc. Integrity Management Plan Reports 10 0 Adobe PDF file
256 JACOBS Consultancy Report of the San Bruno Explosion Prepared for CPUC 204 0 Adobe PDF file
257 PG&E Correspondence of June 2, 2011 Regarding Resubmittal of Documents 1 0 Adobe PDF file
258 NTSB_001-002A Data Request for PG&E to Provide Pipe Mill Specifications and History 1 0 Adobe PDF file
259 NTSB_001-002A Attachment - Pipe mill specs and history 13 0 Adobe PDF file
260 NTSB_003-001 S2 WP4100-10 Clearance Procedures 21 0 Adobe PDF file
261 NTSB_004-001A Provide Pressure Reductions on Line 132 1 0 Adobe PDF file
262 NTSB_004-005S Supplemental Data Request (DR) Regarding the Highest Recorded Pressure on Line 132 3 0 Adobe PDF file
263 NTSB Data Request _005-001, Natural Gas Composition for Line 132 2 0 Adobe PDF file
264 NTSB_008-007A Provide USGS Seismic Data Overlay 1 0 Adobe PDF file
265 NTSB 008-007A Attachment - Seismic Overlay 5 0 Adobe PDF file
266 NTSB_Request 009-001-S1 What is volume of gas lost on L132 1 0 Adobe PDF file
267 NTSB_010-005-S4 Constr Spec, Stand for 1956 GMI136471 Project 15 0 Adobe PDF file
268 NTSB_Request 009-001A What is volume of gas lost on L132 1 0 Adobe PDF file
269 NTSB Request 010-002-What is Source of GIS Information 1 0 Adobe PDF file
270 NTSB 010-005 AsBuilt Info from 1956 - Relocation GM No.13647 Brisbane 60 PO for Line 132 317 0 Adobe PDF file
271 NTSB_Data Request #011-007A_All Pressure Charts from Facilities 1 0 Adobe PDF file
272 NTSB_011-007A_Attachment - All Pressure Charts from Facilities 10 0 Adobe PDF file
273 NTSB Request_014-006 SCADA Alarm Policy 22 0 Adobe PDF file
274 NTSB_014-008 - SCADA DATA - Alarms & Pressures 80 0 Adobe PDF file
275 NTSB_014-008 Rev1 - SCADA DATA - Pressures 41 0 Adobe PDF file
276 NTSB 033-006 PG&E’s procedures related to control set-points 126 0 Adobe PDF file
277 NTSB_033-007 Provide documentation Regulating Equip Set points 44 0 Adobe PDF file
278 NTSB Data Request #035-004, Earthquake Engineering Evaluation Question 1 0 Adobe PDF file
279 NTSB Data Request #035-004, Attachment to Response - American Society of Civil Engineers Earthquake Report 11 0 Adobe PDF file
280 NTSB Data Request #035-005, How do Seismic Events Relate to Integrity Management 2 0 Adobe PDF file
281 NTSB_035-009 – Project 130004 Excerpts.pdf 10 0 Adobe PDF file
282 NTSB_036-004 Rev2 – 2003 & 2008 Pressure readings 15 0 Adobe PDF file
283 NTSB_036-04S1 – Mile Points of Pressure Readings 2 0 Adobe PDF file
284 NTSB 036-004S - Peninsula Map and Milepoints of Pressure Readings 1 0 Adobe PDF file
285 NTSB_036-009 PGE Actions on USA Tickets 22 0 Adobe PDF file
286 NTSB_038-001 How Was Pipe Reconditioned? 1 0 Adobe PDF file
287 NTSB_044-001 Clearance Training 1 0 Adobe PDF file
288 NTSB_050-005 Clearance for 5-year pressure increase on line 132 16 0 Adobe PDF file
289 NTSB_053-001 Control Room Procedures 33 0 Adobe PDF file
290 NTSB_053-002 Dispatch Center Procedures 219 0 Adobe PDF file
291 NTSB_053-003 Gas Control and Dispatch Coordination 12 0 Adobe PDF file
292 NTSB_053-007 - Pressures On All Incoming Lines 2 0 Adobe PDF file
293 NTSB_053-008 - Upstream Station Pressures into Milpitas 2 0 Adobe PDF file
294 NTSB_053-009 - Valve States SCADA Data 79 0 Adobe PDF file
295 NTSB_053-012 - Operational Diagram Key 4 0 Adobe PDF file
296 NTSB Data Request 054-001 Request for Pressure Data 1 0 Adobe PDF file
297 NTSB Data Request 054-008 Attachment - TRE Report 36 0 Adobe PDF file
298 NTSB_054-010 - Number of Gas Employees Qualified to Operate Valves 1 0 Adobe PDF file
299 NTSB 055-001, Answer to what lines were installed by PG&E? 4 0 Adobe PDF file
300 NTSB Data Request #055-003, Pipe Manufacturing Threats 2 0 Adobe PDF file
301 NTSB_056-001 Volume Released Calculations or Models Used 9 0 Adobe PDF file
302 NTSB_056-004 - Volume Released Flow Rate At Time Of Rupture Split By North And South.pdf 2 0 Adobe PDF file
303 NTSB Data Request #057-005, Question on Raising Pipeline Pressures 1 0 Adobe PDF file
304 NTSB_058-002 Pressure Trends and Why Valves Were Commanded Open.pdf 1 0 Adobe PDF file
305 NTSB 058-004 - PLS7A and PLS7B Pressure SCADA Data 137 0 Adobe PDF file
306 NTSB_058-007 Chart Recorders and Which Lines They Serve 1 0 Adobe PDF file
307 NTSB 064-002 – 2008 Pressure readings in 20-Sec Intervals 43 0 Adobe PDF file
308 NTSB_064-006 - SCADA flows in 20-sec intervals 181 0 Adobe PDF file
309 NTSB 064-005 - SCADA Incoming Pressures in 20-Second Intervals 139 0 Adobe PDF file
310 NTSB Data Request #054-008 for Information on Outside Force on Pipeline 1 0 Adobe PDF file
311 NTSB 068-001, Line 132 Risk calculation Figures for 2009 & 2010 1 0 Adobe PDF file
312 NTSB 069-001 Confirmation that Sullivan was not back feeding. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
313 NTSB 071-002 - Estimate of Lost Gas and Total Cost of the San Bruno Accident 2 0 Adobe PDF file
314 NTSB 073-001 Monitor Valve Setpoints 2 0 Adobe PDF file
315 NTSB 080-007 Was Replacement Pipe used for the 12-ft & 40-ft Ssections Pretested 11 0 Adobe PDF file
316 NTSB 083-001 PG&E Construction Specs for 1948 (GM98015) Project - Crystal Springs to Martin Stn 30_24 20 51 0 Adobe PDF file
317 NTSB 083-001 PG&E Construction Specs for 1948 (GM98015) Project - Martin Station to Potrero 24 20 24 0 Adobe PDF file
318 Interview Transcript of PG&E Technical Crew Leader (Peter Beck) 49 0 Adobe PDF file
319 Interview of PG&E Gas Control Technician (Oscar Martinez) 50 0 Adobe PDF file
320 Interview of PG&E Gas Mechanic (Joe Joaquim) 32 0 Adobe PDF file
321 Interview Transcript of Pipe Manufacturer Employee (Massaglia) 38 0 Adobe PDF file
322 Interview of PG&E former Consultant and Records Manager (Larry Medina) 80 0 Adobe PDF file
323 Transcribed Concord Dispatch Logs 256 0 Adobe PDF file
324 Water Utilities Division Work Order for Huntington Avenue 1 0 Adobe PDF file
325 Water Utilities Division Work Order of 1989 for Sixth Street 4 0 Adobe PDF file
326 Geologic Hazards Report for Lines 109 and 132 in San Bruno 49 0 Adobe PDF file
327 Crestmoor Canyon Geotechnical Investigation Report 59 0 Adobe PDF file
328 California PUC General Order 112 Effective as of January, 1961 27 0 Adobe PDF file
329 The Shake Out Scenario - Supplemental Study for the US Geological Survey 12 0 Adobe PDF file
330 Shaking Intensity Map of the San Bruno Area 1 0 Adobe PDF file
331 Guidelines for the Design of Buried Steel Pipe 83 0 Adobe PDF file
332 San Bruno Water Leak Location Map from 2000-2007 1 0 Adobe PDF file
333 Remote Capability of Valves Summary 12 0 Adobe PDF file
334 Environmental Analysis of Gas Transmission Pipelines 109 and 132 49 0 Adobe PDF file
335 PG&E Presentation to San Bruno Planning Commission 60 0 Adobe PDF file
336 Glenview Water Leak Location Map 1 0 Adobe PDF file
337 Crestmoor Park No 7 Improvement Plans 2 0 Adobe PDF file
338 2008 Sewer Installation Construction Documents 16 0 Adobe PDF file
339 PGE Inspectors Worksheet from 2008 Sewer Repair 1 0 Adobe PDF file
340 San Bruno Blast Site Aerial View and Survey 6 - 20 - 2011 2 0 Adobe PDF file
341 Photograph of the (MIMIC) Control Panel from the Milipitas Terminal 1 0 Adobe PDF file
342 Blast Site Survey drawing from City of San Bruno 1 0 Adobe PDF file
343 Leak in Gas Line DFM-3 Between Santa Cruz and Davenport 5 5 Adobe PDF file
344 Sketch by Jose Ornelas 1 0 Adobe PDF file
345 Sketch by John Harty 1 0 Adobe PDF file
346 May 20, 2011 Letter via Email from PG&E to NTSB identifying and attaching newly discovered documents from 1988. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
347 Attachment to PG&E May 20, 2011 Letter - Shipping Paper for Line 132 Dated October 28, 1988 1 0 Adobe PDF file
348 June 30,1974 Correspondence of Pipe from Line 300B 2 0 Adobe PDF file
349 Attachment to PG&E May 20,2011 Letter - Leak Survey, Inspection, and Repair Report for Line 132 Failure in 1988. 2 0 Adobe PDF file
350 Attachment to PG&E May 20, 2011 Letter - Pipeline 132 Shutdown Meeting Notes of November 8, 1988 2 0 Adobe PDF file
351 Attachment to PG&E May 20, 2011 Letter - Photograph of PG&E Pipeline 132 from November 2, 1988 1 0 Adobe PDF file
352 Attachment to PG&E May 20, 2011 Letter - Cost Accounting report for 1988 Failure on Line 132 49 0 Adobe PDF file
353 City of San Bruno Submission for San Bruno Accident 12 0 Adobe PDF file
354 June 17, 2011, Cover Letter of PG&E Submission for San Bruno Accident 1 0 Adobe PDF file
355 Cover Letter of CPUC Submission for San Bruno Accident 1 0 Adobe PDF file
356 PG&E Submission for San Bruno Accident 13 0 Adobe PDF file
357 CPUC Submission for San Bruno Accident 10 0 Adobe PDF file
358 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1245 Email Submission for San Bruno Accident 4 0 Adobe PDF file
359 Engineers and Scientists of California Local 20 Email Submission for San Bruno Accident 1 0 Adobe PDF file
360 Rancho Cordova Pipeline and Operations Group Chairmans Factual Report 11 0 Adobe PDF file
361 Rancho Cordova CPUC Fresno Audit and PG&E Response 7 0 Adobe PDF file
362 Rancho Cordova Emergency Response Group Chairmans Factual Report 11 0 Adobe PDF file
363 PG&E Map of Line 132 in Accident Area 1 0 Adobe PDF file
364 Results of Video Inspection of 22-inch, Line 109 5 5 Adobe PDF file
365 NTSB_037-005-S1 with Respect to Hydrotesting 13 0 Adobe PDF file
366 San Bruno GT Line Incident_DR_NTSB_050-001 Engineering Doc Spec 3 0 Adobe PDF file
367 San Bruno NTSB_050-002 as built drawing new materials 1 0 Adobe PDF file
368 San Bruno NTSB_050-003 Material Codes List 500 0 Adobe PDF file
369 San Bruno GT Line Incident_DR_NTSB-050-005 Comb 31 0 Adobe PDF file
370 Metallurgical Evaluation of Cracking in Line 109 Seam Welds 12 0 Adobe PDF file
371 San Bruno GT Line Incident_DR_NTSB_050-006 Pipeline Installation Dates 1 0 Adobe PDF file
372 San Bruno NTSB_053-005 SCADA Volumetric Flow in hours 357 0 Adobe PDF file
373 San Bruno GT Line DR_NTSB_053-006 SCADA Volumetric flow rates entering Milpital and Martin in 20 Seconds 463 0 Adobe PDF file
374 NTSB April Interview of SCADA Control Group Supervising Engineer 237 0 Adobe PDF file
375 IBEW1245 Submission 4 0 Adobe PDF file
376 San Bruno GT Line Incident_DR_NTSB_054-004 2 0 Adobe PDF file
377 San Bruno GT Line Incident_DR_NTSB_055_004-Amended-2 15 0 Adobe PDF file
378 San Bruno GT Line Incident_DR_NTSB_056-005 61 0 Adobe PDF file
379 San Bruno GT Line Incident_DR_NTSB_057-003 1 0 Adobe PDF file
380 Metallurgical Analysis of Leaking 16-Inch Line 402 2 0 Adobe PDF file
381 San Bruno GT Line Incident_DR_NTSB_058-003 1 0 Adobe PDF file
382 Transcribed Concord Dispatch Logs Submitted by PG&E 292 0 Adobe PDF file
383 San Francisco Control Room Transcripts Submitted by PG&E 691 0 Adobe PDF file
384 San Bruno GT Line Incident_DR_NTSB_058-008 47 0 Adobe PDF file
385 San Bruno GT Line Incident_DR_NTSB_058-024 2 0 Adobe PDF file
386 The Peninsula Transmission System 3 0 Adobe PDF file
387 San Bruno GT Line Incident_DR_NTSB_061-001 23 0 Adobe PDF file
388 CPUC Class Location Study 14 0 Adobe PDF file
389 Root Cause Analysis of Girth Weld Leak 3 0 Adobe PDF file
390 PG&E Transmission Pipeline Statistics 4 0 Adobe PDF file
391 Overpressure Protection Setpoints for Line 132 4 0 Adobe PDF file
392 Construction Quality Control and Quality Assurance Standards for Relocation of Segment 180 in 1956 16 0 Adobe PDF file
393 San Bruno Sewer Work Video 1 0 Adobe PDF file
394 D'Arcy and Harty Sewer Contractor Statement Regarding Pipe Bursting 7 0 Adobe PDF file
395 Historical Line 132 SCADA pressure readings from 2002 to Dec 31 2010 1029 0 Adobe PDF file
396 SCADA Data from Martin Station from Sept 9 to 10 37 0 Adobe PDF file
397 Rollingwood II Sewer Photo 1 0 Adobe PDF file
398 Historical Flow data for Station Flowmeters from 2008 to 2010 214 0 Adobe PDF file
399 NTSB 018 002 GMG Estimate Progress Reports Job Stories 195 0 Adobe PDF file
400 Operations Factual Report Addendum 118 3 Adobe PDF file