Docket Contents

Project Summary: Aviation Investigation - 56 Docket Items - CHI04MA182

Description: BELL 407 N503MT

Mode: Aviation

NTSB Number: CHI04MA182

Date of Accident: 07/13/2004

City: Newberry

State / Region: SC

Country: United States

Project Type: Investigation

Docket Information

Creation Date: 08/11/04

Last Modified: 12/19/2013 4:47 PM

Public Release Date & Time: 01/13/2006 9:30 AM

Docket Items: 56






1 Meteorology 5 - Factual Report of Group Chairman 12 0 Adobe PDF file
2 Factual Report of Group Chairman - Organizational Factors 14 0 Adobe PDF file
3 Factual Report of Group Chairman - Organizational Factors - Attachment 1 8 0 Adobe PDF file
4 Factual Report of Group Chairman - Organizational Factors - Attachment 2 7 0 Adobe PDF file
5 Factual Report of Group Chairman - Organizational Factors - Attachment 3 4 0 Adobe PDF file
6 Factual Report of Group Chairman - Organizational Factors - Attachment 4 10 0 Adobe PDF file
7 Factual Report of Group Chairman - Organizational Factors - Attachment 5 8 0 Adobe PDF file
8 Factual Report of Group Chairman - Organizational Factors - Attachment 6 7 0 Adobe PDF file
9 Factual Report of Group Chairman - Organizational Factors - Attachment 7 7 0 Adobe PDF file
10 Factual Report of Group Chairman - Organizational Factors - Attachment 9 3 0 Adobe PDF file
11 Factual Report of Group Chairman - Organizational Factors - Attachment 10 5 0 Adobe PDF file
12 Factual Report of Group Chairman - Organizational Factors - Attachment 11 18 0 Adobe PDF file
13 Factual Report of Group Chairman - Organizational Factors - Attachment 12 2 0 Adobe PDF file
14 Factual Report of Group Chairman - Organizational Factors - Attachment 13 4 0 Adobe PDF file
15 Pilot/Operator Aircraft Accident Report, NTSB Form 6120.1 6 0 Adobe PDF file
16 Record of Interviews and Witness Statements 46 0 Adobe PDF file
17 GPS Map of Wreckage 3 0 Adobe PDF file
18 Transcript of Radio/Telephone Communications 45 0 Adobe PDF file
19 FAA Factual Observations Report 7 0 Adobe PDF file
20 Newberry County Incident Report 1 0 Adobe PDF file
21 Bell Helicopter Report 7 0 Adobe PDF file
22 Rolls-Royce Report 12 0 Adobe PDF file
23 Med-Trans Operations Manual 41 0 Adobe PDF file
24 Pilot Information 21 0 Adobe PDF file
25 Part 135 Requirements 2 0 Adobe PDF file
26 Information Regarding CD Containing Radio Transmissions 1 0 Adobe PDF file
27 Information Regarding CD Containing Pictures of 407 Caution Panel 1 0 Adobe PDF file
28 Toxicological Report 1 0 Adobe PDF file
29 Statement of Party Representatives to NTSB Investigation 4 0 Adobe PDF file
30 Release of Aircraft Wreckage, NTSB Form 6120.15 1 0 Adobe PDF file
31 Photo 1. Tree Strikes 1 0 Adobe PDF file
32 Photo 2. Orange Blade Tip and Tree Strike 1 0 Adobe PDF file
33 Photo 3. Tree Strike 1 0 Adobe PDF file
34 Photo 4. Piece of Tree With a Rotor Slash 1 0 Adobe PDF file
35 Photo 5. View of Wreckage Path and Main Wreckage 1 0 Adobe PDF file
36 Photo 6. Main Wreckage Looking Towards the Initial Ground Impact Point 1 0 Adobe PDF file
37 Photo 7. Main Wreckage 1 0 Adobe PDF file
38 Photo 8. Engine 1 0 Adobe PDF file
39 Photo 9. Engine Inlet, Compressor 1 0 Adobe PDF file
40 Photo 10. Engine, 4th Stage Power Turbine Wheel 1 0 Adobe PDF file
41 Photo 11. Main Rotor Hub 1 0 Adobe PDF file
42 Photo 12. Hydraulic Servos 1 0 Adobe PDF file
43 Photo 13. Green Blade Root End 1 0 Adobe PDF file
44 Photo 14. Orange Blade 1 0 Adobe PDF file
45 Photo 15. Instrument Panel 1 0 Adobe PDF file
46 Photo 16. Radar Altimeter 1 0 Adobe PDF file
47 Photo 17. Pilot's Collective 1 0 Adobe PDF file
48 Photo 18. Pilot's Anti-Torque Pedals 1 0 Adobe PDF file
49 Photo 19. Forward Tail Boom 1 0 Adobe PDF file
50 Photo 20. Mid-Section Tail Boom 1 0 Adobe PDF file
51 Photo 21. Aft-Tail Boom 1 0 Adobe PDF file
52 Photo 22. #6 Tail Boom Hangar Bearing 1 0 Adobe PDF file
53 Photo 23. Tail Rotor Pitch Control 1 0 Adobe PDF file
54 Photo 24. Tail Rotor Blade 1 0 Adobe PDF file
55 Photo 25. Orange Tail Rotor Blade 1 0 Adobe PDF file
56 Photo 26. Tail Boom Layout 1 0 Adobe PDF file