Docket Contents

Project Summary: Aviation Investigation - 116 Docket Items - DCA00MA030

Description: SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO. Boeing -- 737-300 - Burbank

Mode: Aviation

NTSB Number: DCA00MA030

Date of Accident: 03/05/2000


State / Region: CA

Country: United States

Project Type: Investigation

Docket Information

Creation Date: 04/25/00

Last Modified: 04/01/2013 5:12 PM

Public Release Date & Time: 07/10/2001 12:26 PM

Docket Items: 116






1 Operations 2 - Group Chairman Factual Report 33 0 Adobe PDF file
2 Operations 2 - Attachment 1 - Interview Summaries 70 0 Adobe PDF file
3 Operations 2 - Attachment 2 - Dispatch Release/Flight Plan for SWA 1455 2 0 Adobe PDF file
4 Operations 2 - Attachment 3 - Jeppesen Charts 10 0 Adobe PDF file
5 Operations 2 - Attachment 4 - Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM), Speed Adjustments 4 0 Adobe PDF file
6 Operations 2 - Attachment 5 - Flight Management Systems (FMS) 2 0 Adobe PDF file
7 Operations 2 - Attachment 6 - Flight Management Computer (FMC), Progress Page 3/3 2 0 Adobe PDF file
8 Operations 2 - Attachment 7 - Onboard Performance Computer (OPC), Landing Performance 4 0 Adobe PDF file
9 Operations 2 - Attachment 8 - Tailwind landings/Approach speeds 3 0 Adobe PDF file
10 Operations 2 - Attachment 9 - Landing Disance Chart 2 0 Adobe PDF file
11 Operations 2 - Attachment 10 - Normal Procedures 4 0 Adobe PDF file
12 Operations 2 - Attachment 11 - Checklist Use 2 0 Adobe PDF file
13 Operations 2 - Attachment 12 - Approach Descent-Final Descent Checklist 4 0 Adobe PDF file
14 Operations 2 - Attachment 13 - Emergency Evacuation Checklist 4 0 Adobe PDF file
15 Operations 2 - Attachment 14 - Procedures for all Approaches 2 0 Adobe PDF file
16 Operations 2 - Attachment 15 - Appraoch Envelope for All Approaches 3 0 Adobe PDF file
17 Operations 2 - Attachment 16 - Visual Approach Procedure and Crew Coordination Callouts 2 0 Adobe PDF file
18 Operations 2 - Attachment 17 - Visual Approach Profile 2 0 Adobe PDF file
19 Operations 2 - Attachment 18 - Close in Descent Procedures 2 0 Adobe PDF file
20 Operations 2 - Attachment 19 - Final Descent Procedures 2 0 Adobe PDF file
21 Operations 2 - Attachment 20 - Normal Landing Dry Runway 2 0 Adobe PDF file
22 Operations 2 - Attachment 21 - Deviation Callouts for All Approaches 2 0 Adobe PDF file
23 Operations 2 - Attachment 22 - Warning Systems, Excessive Descent Rates (Mode-1) 2 0 Adobe PDF file
24 Operations 2 - Attachment 23 - PULL-UP Warning Escape Procedure 5 0 Adobe PDF file
25 Operations 2 - Attachment 24 - Go-around and Missed Approach Procedure/Profile 4 0 Adobe PDF file
26 Operations 2 - Attachment 25 - Air Conditioning and Pressurization Controls 2 0 Adobe PDF file
27 Operations 2 - Attachment 26 - Flap Load Relief System 4 0 Adobe PDF file
28 Operations 2 - Attachment 27 - Speedbrakes/Spoilers System 4 0 Adobe PDF file
29 Operations 2 - Attachment 28 - Brake System 2 0 Adobe PDF file
30 Operations 2 - Attachment 29 - Thrust Reverser System 4 0 Adobe PDF file
31 Operations 2 - Attachment 30 - Pilot in Command Airport Qualifications, Special Airports, FAR 121.445 9 0 Adobe PDF file
32 Operations 2 - Attachment 31 - Witness Interview of Captain Mark Clayton 4 0 Adobe PDF file
33 ATC 3 - Group Chairman Factual Report 53 0 Adobe PDF file
34 Witness 4 - Group Chairman Factual Report 30 0 Adobe PDF file
35 Meteorology 5 - Group Chairman Factual Report 38 0 Adobe PDF file
36 Meteorology 5 - Addendum 1 to Factual Report 10 0 Adobe PDF file
37 Survival Factors 6 - Factual Report of Group Chairman 26 0 Adobe PDF file
38 Survival Factors 6 - Errata/Addenda to Survival Factors Group Chairman's Factual Report 1 0 Adobe PDF file
39 Survival Factors 6 - Attachment 1 - Excerpts from Southwest Airlines flight attendant manual pertaining to takeoff and landing procedures. 3 0 Adobe PDF file
40 Survival Factors 6 - Attachment 2 - Excerpts from Southwest Airlines Flight Attendant initial and recurrent training programs 10 0 Adobe PDF file
41 Survival Factors 6 - Attachment 3 - Passenger Questionnaires 585 0 Adobe PDF file
42 Survival Factors 6 - Attachment 4 - Luggage Documentation 5 0 Adobe PDF file
43 Survival Factors 6 - Attachment 5 - NTSB Materials Laboratory Factual Report No. 00-118 6 0 Adobe PDF file
44 Survival Factors 6 - Attachment 6 - Emergency equipment location diagram (from flight attendant manual). 2 0 Adobe PDF file
45 Survival Factors 6 - Attachment 7 - Placard from overwing exit. 2 0 Adobe PDF file
46 Survival Factors 6 - Attachment 8 - Passenger information card. 7 0 Adobe PDF file
47 Survival Factors 6 - Attachment 9 - Photographs (1 thru 19) 1 0 Adobe PDF file
48 Survival Factors 6 - Photo 1. Forward, left exit. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
49 Survival Factors 6 - Photo 2. Forward, left exit, showing proximity to fireplug and street sign. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
50 Survival Factors 6 - Photo 3. Aft, left exit. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
51 Survival Factors 6 - Photo 4. Escape slide at the aft, left exit. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
52 Survival Factors 6 - Photo 5. Right side of airplane. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
53 Survival Factors 6 - Photo 6. Map light above captain's seat. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
54 Survival Factors 6 - Photo 7. Cockpit console. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
55 Survival Factors 6 - Photo 8. Forward flight attendant jumpseat. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
56 Survival Factors 6 - Photo 9. Forward flight attendant jumpseat (seat cushion removed). 1 0 Adobe PDF file
57 Survival Factors 6 - Photo 10. Forward, right exit, and slide cover. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
58 Survival Factors 6 - Photo 11. Forward, right exit handle and top of slide cover. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
59 Survival Factors 6 - Photo 12. Inboard armrest attachment on seat ID. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
60 Survival Factors 6 - Photo 13. Cabin, forward left. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
61 Survival Factors 6 - Photo 14. Cabin, forward right. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
62 Survival Factors 6 - Photo 15. Aft cabin, looking forward. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
63 Survival Factors 6 - Photo 16. Aft cabin, row 21, left side. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
64 Survival Factors 6 - Photo 17. Aft cabin entry area light lens. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
65 Survival Factors 6 - Photo 18. Luggage on the floor in the aft, right exit area. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
66 Survival Factors 6 - Photo 19. Girt bar, aft, right exit. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
67 Survival Factors 6 - Attachment 10 - SWA inadvertent slide deployment data. 6 0 Adobe PDF file
68 Survival Factors 6 - Attachment 11 - Boeing slide compartment release bracket testing report. 2 0 Adobe PDF file
69 Survival Factors 6 - Attachment 12 - Summary of Boeing customer survey of inadvertent slide deployment on B737 airplanes. 3 0 Adobe PDF file
70 Structures 7 - Group Chairman Factual Report 2 0 Adobe PDF file
71 Powerplants 8 - Factual Report of Group Chairman 5 0 Adobe PDF file
72 Systems 9 - Group Chairman Factual Report 7 0 Adobe PDF file
73 Systems 9 - Appendix A - 11 Photographs of Southwest Airlines Flight 1455 1 0 Adobe PDF file
74 Systems 9 - Photo 1. View (looking west) of N668SW on night of March 5, 2000. Note airplane nose is resting on the ground. (Photo by FAA) 1 0 Adobe PDF file
75 Systems 9 - Photo 2. View of N668SW on morning of March 6, 2000, being moved from accident site to remote airport location. (Photo by FAA) 1 0 Adobe PDF file
76 Systems 9 - Photo 3. View of N668SW after being moved. Note the damage to the nose area and forward belly. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
77 Systems 9 - Photo 4. View of looking forward of the right outboard brake assembly. Note the length of the wear pin (unpressurized). 1 0 Adobe PDF file
78 Systems 9 - Photo 5. View looking forward of the left main landing gear. Note condition of both tires. (Photo by FAA) 1 0 Adobe PDF file
79 Systems 9 - Photo 6. View looking forward of the right main landing gear. Note the left inboard tire is still pressurized. (Photo by FAA) 1 0 Adobe PDF file
80 Systems 9 - Photo 7. View looking forward of spoilers 2 and 3. Note continuous scrape patttern from upper wing skin across both spoiler panels. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
81 Systems 9 - Photo 8. View looking inboard of spoiler 6. Note continuous scrape pattern from wing skin onto the spoiler panel. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
82 Systems 9 - Photo 9. View looking forward of spoiler 1. Note damage to inboard trailing edge. There was no damage to the leading edge of the flap panel. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
83 Systems 9 - Photo 10. View looking inboard of spoiler 8. Note damage to inboard trailing edge. There was no damage to the leading edge of the flap panel. 1 0 Adobe PDF file
84 Systems 9 - Photo 11. View of E/E from the forward baggage compartment (looking forward). Note the nose gear folded back into the compartment clocked 90 degrees to the right. The left nose gear tire has been removed to gain a 1 0 Adobe PDF file
85 Systems 9 - Appendix B - Boeing 737 Diagrams 4 0 Adobe PDF file
86 Systems 9 - Appendix C - Emergency Battery Pack Test Results 6 0 Adobe PDF file
87 Systems 9 - Appendix D - N668SW Cockpit Documentation 2 0 Adobe PDF file
88 Flight Data Recorder 10 - Group Chairman Factual Report 166 0 Adobe PDF file
89 Cockpit Voice Recorder 12 - Factual Report of Group Chairman 30 0 Adobe PDF file
90 Cockpit Voice Recorder 12 - Addendum A 1 0 Adobe PDF file
91 Human Performance 14 - Group Chairman Factual Report 21 0 Adobe PDF file
92 Airports/ARFF 16 - Group Chairman Factual Report 6 0 Adobe PDF file
93 Airports/ARFF 16 - Errata/Addenda to Factual Report of Group Chairman 1 0 Adobe PDF file
94 Airports/ARFF 16 - Errata/Addenda 5/2002 Factual Report of Group Chairman 2 0 Adobe PDF file
95 Airports/ARFF 16 - Addendum 2 - Video Tape 1 0 Adobe PDF file
96 Airports/ARFF 16 - Attachment 1 - BUR ARFF Equipment Inventory 2 0 Adobe PDF file
97 Airports/ARFF 16 - Attachment 2 - BUR Airfield Layout Plan 2 0 Adobe PDF file
98 Airports/ARFF 16 - Attachment 3 - BUR Executing Director Letter Regarding RSAs 3 0 Adobe PDF file
99 Airports/ARFF 16 - Attachment 4 - BUR ARFF Incident Report 5 0 Adobe PDF file
100 Airports/ARFF 16 - Attachment 5 - BUR CFME Data Strips 4 0 Adobe PDF file
101 Airports/ARFF 16 - Attachment 6 - Schedule for rubber deposit removal at Burbank Airport for the Year 2001 2 0 Adobe PDF file
102 Airports/ARFF 16 - Attachment 7 - Letter from BUR Executive Director 4 0 Adobe PDF file
103 Airports/ARFF 16 - Attachment 8 - Burbank Airport Status Letter 3 0 Adobe PDF file
104 Recorded Radar Study 25 0 Adobe PDF file
105 Airplane Performance Study 6 0 Adobe PDF file
106 Airplane Performance Study - Attachment 1 - FAA Radar Data 9 0 Adobe PDF file
107 Airplane Performance Study - Attachment 2 - FAA Position Data for Runways, Navaids and Intersections 7 0 Adobe PDF file
108 Airplane Performance Study - Attachment 3 - Jeppesen Data for the Burbank Airport and ILS Runway 8 Approach 3 0 Adobe PDF file
109 Airplane Performance Study - Attachment 4 - FDR/CVR Time Correlation Data 2 0 Adobe PDF file
110 Airplane Performance Study - Attachment 5 - Boeing Stopping Distance Data 4 0 Adobe PDF file
111 Airplane Performance Study - Attachment 6 - Operational Information Related to the Southwest Airlines B737-300 11 0 Adobe PDF file
112 Airplane Performance - Crash Site Factual Report 2 0 Adobe PDF file
113 Airplane Performance - Crash Site Factual Report - Attachment 1 12 0 Adobe PDF file
114 Photo - SW 1455 On street past airport fence 1 0 Adobe PDF file
115 Photo - Aerial View of Runway 8 1 0 Adobe PDF file
116 Party Submission - Southwest Airline Pilots Association 34 0 Adobe PDF file