NTSB ANC15MA041, Attachment 1 to Cockpit Displays - Recorded Flight Data - Specialist's Factual Report Operator: Promech Air, Inc. Vehicle ID/Registration: N270PA Source of data: Chelton IDU Serial Number 36519, AC.DAT file Date of Event: 6/25/2015 Location: Ketchikan, Alaska DATA adc1_ok = 1 adc2_ok = 0 ahrs1_ok = 1 ahrs2_ok = 0 adf = 0.000000 agl_alt_b = -376 agl_alt_g = -9999 agl_alt_r = -9999 agl_alt_taws = -376 air_flag = 1 aiu_status = 0 alt_b = 1154 alt_g = -9999 alt_p = 1490 alt_taws = 1530 aoa = -999.000000 bank = 0.082644 body_rate_x = -0.915803 body_rate_y = 4.908701 body_rate_z = -0.512849 cdtimer_chime = 0 crosslink = 0 cte = 0.007291 dens_alt = 2161 d_in[NOSE_LDG_GEAR] = 0 d_in[RIGHT_LDG_GEAR] = 0 d_in[LEFT_LDG_GEAR] = 0 d_in[ALL_LDG_GEAR] = 0 d_in[TAWS_INHBT] = 1 d_in[HTAWS_LOW_ALT] = 0 d_in[TAWS_LDG_FLAP] = 0 d_in[TAWS_GS_INHBT] = 0 d_in[HTAWS_LOW_TRQ] = 0 d_in[AP_NAV_MODE] = 0 d_in[AP_HDG_MODE] = 0 d_in[AP_VERT_MODE] = 0 d_in[AP_GS_MODE] = 0 d_in[GPS_SLCT] = 0 d_in[AHRS_SLCT] = 0 d_in[ADC_SLCT] = 0 d_in[RADALT_SLCT] = 0 d_in[XFILL_INHBT] = 0 d_in[WOG_WOW] = 0 d_in[WC_ACKNLDG] = 0 d_in[LOW_ROTOR] = 0 d_in[CYCLIC_CTR] = 0 d_in[FPM_INHBT] = 0 d_in[REMOTE_DESIG] = 0 d_in[REMOTE_GA] = 0 d_in[OM_DI] = 0 d_in[MM_DI] = 0 d_in[IM_DI] = 0 d_in_latch[NOSE_LDG_GEAR] = 0 d_in_latch[RIGHT_LDG_GEAR] = 0 d_in_latch[LEFT_LDG_GEAR] = 0 d_in_latch[ALL_LDG_GEAR] = 0 d_in_latch[TAWS_INHBT] = 1 d_in_latch[HTAWS_LOW_ALT] = 0 d_in_latch[TAWS_LDG_FLAP] = 0 d_in_latch[TAWS_GS_INHBT] = 0 d_in_latch[HTAWS_LOW_TRQ] = 0 d_in_latch[AP_NAV_MODE] = 0 d_in_latch[AP_HDG_MODE] = 0 d_in_latch[AP_VERT_MODE] = 0 d_in_latch[AP_GS_MODE] = 0 d_in_latch[GPS_SLCT] = 0 d_in_latch[AHRS_SLCT] = 0 d_in_latch[ADC_SLCT] = 0 d_in_latch[RADALT_SLCT] = 0 d_in_latch[XFILL_INHBT] = 0 d_in_latch[WOG_WOW] = 0 d_in_latch[WC_ACKNLDG] = 0 d_in_latch[LOW_ROTOR] = 0 d_in_latch[CYCLIC_CTR] = 0 d_in_latch[FPM_INHBT] = 0 d_in_latch[REMOTE_DESIG] = 0 d_in_latch[REMOTE_GA] = 0 d_in_latch[OM_DI] = 0 d_in_latch[MM_DI] = 0 d_in_latch[IM_DI] = 0 dl_status = 129 dme_1 = -9999.000000 dme_2 = -9999.000000 d_out[AIRBORNE] = 1 d_out[AP_VALID] = 0 d_out[TCAS_INHBT] = 0 d_out[TCAS_RA_VALID] = 0 d_out[TCAS_TA_VALID] = 0 d_out[XMT_ENABLE] = 0 d_out[WARN_LIGHT] = 0 d_out[CAUT_LIGHT] = 0 d_out[MC_LIGHT] = 0 d_out[MDA_DH_FLAG] = 0 d_out[ALT_CAPTURE] = 0 d_out[IAS_SWITCH] = 1 d_out[VNE_EXCEED] = 0 dtg = 0.010417 fdh = -99.900000 fdv = -99.900000 fpm_inhbt = 1 gas = 76.248861 g_force = 1.178560 glidepath = 2.438760 gps_counter = 1 gps_fault = 0 gps_gs = 103.452415 gps_hfom = 0.007070 gps_hplfd = 9999.000000 gps_hplws = 0.062105 gps_hul = 9999.000000 gps_loi = 0 gps_lon = 0 gps_vfom = 85.139187 gps_vplfd = 9999.000000 gps_vplws = 9999.000000 gps_vul = 9999.000000 gps1_ok = 1 gps2_ok = 0 gs = 99.269193 gs_a = -9.990000 gs_b = -9.990000 gsy = -0.447633 heading = 4.567408 ias = 95.000000 idu_fan = 1 idu_temp = 68 isa = 10 lat = 55.456552 loc_a = -9.990000 loc_b = -9.990000 lon = -131.145225 mach = 0.147536 mb = 0 miscomp_alt = 0 miscomp_att = 0 miscomp_gps = 0 miscomp_gs = 0 miscomp_hdg = 0 miscomp_ias = 0 miscomp_loc = 0 miscomp_ra = 0 mvar = -0.333435 oat = 64 os_adc_select = 0 os_ahrs_select = 0 os_gps_select = 0 os_hsi_source = 0 os_ra_select = 0 pitch = 7.816824 ra1_ok = 0 ra2_ok = 0 raw_oat = 60 raw_track = 4.489609 silence_time = 0 spd_trnd = -0.907700 tas = 98.061269 to_from = 1 track = 4.571917 vor_a = 0.000000 vor_b = 0.000000 vsi_b = 250 vsi_g = 377 vsi_i = 428.143876 vsi_taws = 428.143890 winddir = 1.763039 windspd = 1.352904 y_accel = 0.052138